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What is a "PMA"

PMA stands for Private Membership Association 

Or Private Ministerial Association

Either of which applies to Freedom Ministries

A Private Membership Association is and unincorporated organization that requires one to be a member in order to participate. All members agree to work together under stated standards, beliefs, and practices. As a PRIVATE membership, no one outside the PMA may have access to rosters, any information pertaining to any function of the PMA except that which the Trustees deem pertinent to obtain membership. As a PMA, 508(c)(1)(a), Freedom Ministries is not required to operate as a commercial business is, as we are private, not commercial and not open to the public. This PMA in particular is a Ministry which is further protected by the 1st Amendment of the constitution which secures our right to practice our faith anyway in which we see fit as long as we are not harming anyone. Raising children to know their savior is most certainly one of the highest forms of worship.


In this PMA we believe in the freedom to educate our children the way God has called each of us individually. We do not believe that the system currently in place in America to "educate" our children is edifying them nor is it setting them up for successful service to their Lord and Savior. We are Bible based in our values and operations here within. 

Please review our "ABOUT" and "OUR BELIEFS" pages for more information.

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