Freedom Ministries supports homeschool families by offering in-person, Christian academic programs to facilitate student learning throughout the school year. We offer many programs throughout the community. We partner with families to support them in their homeschooling needs.
In 2022, we saw a huge need for a safe, loving, educational environment, like never before. The world was turned upside down and many wanted a different way of educating their children. Homeschooling is the oldest form of educating children and many of us decided to revert back to that method. Many families felt under-equipped for this task. This is where Freedom Ministries comes up beside parents to add a level of support to make their desire to do things differently happen.
We see children as God's beloveds. They are our future. We embrace their childness and do our utmost to bring them educational ideas on their levels in ways they learn best. We allow, and encourage, them to be children. We expect childish behaviors and guide them with God's Word when those behaviors don't serve Jesus.
All of Freedom Ministries' Co Ops provide engaging learning experiences with a heavy focus on biblical values and personal responsibility. Ultimately, Freedom Ministries works with parents to grow students into well-balanced, caring young men and women who are prepared for a Christian life of purpose, service, and leadership. Alongside parents, we strive to reach each child, individually; educationally, socially, and spiritually.